Supervisory board

BAuganov Gibrat Kairatovich

Managing Director for Corporate Governance, Social and Labor Relations and Occupational Safety / CHAIRMAN OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD

Karasheva Assel Rustemovna

Deputy Corporate Secretary – Head of the Service / MEMBER OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD



The Supervisory Board of the Partnership (hereinafter - the Supervisory Board) consisting of three persons has been established to control over the activities of the Executive Body of SK Business Service LLP. The Sole Participant elects members of the Supervisory Board for a term not exceeding three years. The composition of the Supervisory Board is determined taking into account gender equality.

Decisions at a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Partnership are taken by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting.

The following issues are referred to the competence of the Supervisory Board:

  1. Control over the activities of the Executive Body of the Partnership;
  2. Identification of priority areas of the Partnership’s activities;
  3. Approval of the Development Strategy of the Partnership, its Business Plan and budget, as well as monitoring the implementation of the Development Strategy and Business Plan of the Partnership;
  4. Approval of the full-time number of employees and the organizational structure of the Partnership, the rules for remuneration and bonuses of employees of the Partnership, determination of the size of official salaries, conditions of remuneration and bonuses of the General Director and his/her deputies;
  5. Determination of the composition and scope of information constituting a trade secret and the procedure for its protection;
  6. Approval of the rules for formation and execution of the Partnership budget;
  7. Approval of the Annual Report of the Partnership;
  8. Approval of documents in the field of sustainable development, including the sustainability report of the Partnership;
  9. Determination of principles and approaches to the organization of the risk management and internal control system of the Partnership, approval of the register and risk map, risk response action plan, as well as risk reports.