In order to select a procurement supplier for electric energy according to a special procedure in accordance with sub-item 3, of item 1 of Article 73 of the Procedure¹, we invite you to participate in absentee negotiations

In order to select a procurement supplier for electric energy according to a special procedure in accordance with sub-item 3, of item 1 of Article 73 of the Procedure¹, we invite you to participate in absentee negotiations 03.05.2024

In order to select a procurement supplier for electric energy according to a special procedure in accordance with sub-item 3, of item 1 of Article 73 of the Procedure¹, we invite you to participate in absentee negotiations.

The negotiations on the selection of a potential supplier are being held in absentia on May 10 , 2024, at 04:00p.m. Astana time. The top managers of potential suppliers or their authorized representatives, whose authority is confirmed by relevant documents, are allowed to participate in absentee negotiations.

Please confirm your participation by sending an application in the form of an e-mail to: at 02:00 p.m by May 10, 2024.

The application of a potential supplier for participation in absentee negotiations should contain:

1) A price quotation and an additional price reduction quotation, if any;

2) A power of attorney for the right to sign a price quotation by an authorized person of a potential supplier (provided if the price quotation is not signed by the first head).

Electric energy is purchased to power the Data Processing Center in Kosshy.

Supply term: 12 months.

Payment terms: upon the fact of services rendered.